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The Skilled Manager’s Guide to Dealing With Underperformers

You can’t manage someone’s performance; you can only help them manage it themselves

Alex Jones
9 min readNov 21, 2019


Photo: Tom Werner/Getty Images, modified by Alex

Dealing with someone who isn’t performing at the level they should be is frustrating. It’s stressful. And honestly, it can be scary when it escalates to the point of needing to let someone go. It’s been the hardest part of my job, bar none.

It’s also one of the most important responsibilities that any leader shoulders. But here’s the thing: Our job isn’t to manage performance because frankly, we can’t manage another human’s performance.

Let’s pause for a second and think through how different life would be if we truly could manage how someone else performs, via a snippet from one of my favorite episodes of The Simpsons.

Homer: “Are you guys working?”
Team: “Yes, sir, Mr. Simpson.”
Homer: “Could you, um, work any harder than this?”
Team: “Sure thing, boss.”

Well, that was easy! We’re done here…




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Alex Jones
Alex Jones

Written by Alex Jones

I lead multi-disciplinary, globally distributed teams that craft remarkable products for millions of people. I start fires (the good kind).

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