Why You Need a Customer Experience Strategy (and How to Create One)

Find out how you can improve your CX and make customers love your brand

Adam Fard


Illustrations: Adam Fard

WWith the digital era in full throttle, markets are competitive now more than ever. And while creative marketing copy and eye-catching packaging may have sufficed in the past, customers today expect much more.

They want to be pampered by brands in every way imaginable. In fact, customers don’t just want a great experience in person, they expect this service to extend to their online interactions as well. Namely, they want to receive a flawless digital customer experience in addition to the traditional concept of good customer service.

So, if you haven’t already been paying attention to your customer experience and all that it encompasses, then it’s high time you started.

Find out how you can improve your customer experience and position your brand highly in customers’ minds. Let’s get back to basics.

What is customer experience?



Adam Fard
Writer for

Founder of adamfard.com — Mentoring Founders and Product Teams to Improve their Products Experience