How to Get Started With Illustration (Part 3)

Get your work out there and rack up experience

Frances To


Illustration by Frances To

This article is Part 3 of a series on how you can get started with illustration.

PPreviously, I shared tips on how to draw in Part 1 and how to overcome creative blocks and find inspiration in Part 2. Now, you’re looking forward to starting your own illustration project and gaining experience as an illustrator, but how do you do that?

9. Start a passion project to unlock opportunities

Passion projects carry a secret superpower — they can get your foot in the door into whatever field you want to break into, including illustration. In fact, my first passion project alone unlocked many opportunities when I started illustrating in 2018.

My passion project last 2018

In order to release my stress during midterms week, I created an illustration titled “The Nine Types of People You Will Meet in an Exam.” The illustration depicts 9 students each trying to cope with their academic struggles during an exam. For a fun twist, I turned my work into a mock New Yorker cover, posted my work in my Instagram stories, and pranked everyone…

