If I’d Known Then What I Know Now

Bits of wisdom for being a happy, well-rounded member of the design community

Dan Brown


Photo: psisa/Getty Images

NNew user experience designers occasionally ask me “If you knew then what you know now” kind of questions. They often want a list: Some want three things. Some want five things. I’ve added those numbers together. So, here are eight answers to the question “What advice do you have for someone just entering the business?”

1. Pick a job based on the people

There are design challenges everywhere. But even if you’re attracted to a brand, a product, a salary, you’ll be dissatisfied with the work unless the people are awesome. Don’t pick easy-going people; find people who are going to challenge you. Don’t pick jerks, either: You can challenge someone and be nice about it. No matter where you are in your career, you deserve respect. The best colleagues show respect by delivering feedback directly and constructively. One of the most rewarding jobs I ever had was working for nearly two years as a federal employee for TSA’s e-government group. My boss challenged me constantly. It was hard, but I learned a lot.

2. Have a life

The most engaging, productive, and collaborative people I’ve worked with have a life. They have interests outside…



Dan Brown
Writer for

Designer • Co-founder of @eightshapes • Author of 3 books on UX • http://bit.ly/danbooks • Board gamer • Family cook