A Skillshare class for creating design system components in Sketch

Learn how to create comprehensive symbols

Andrew Couldwell
Design + Sketch


My class covers a subject I know designers and design teams struggle with. Students will graduate from the basics of creating symbols in Sketch, to creating a comprehensive set of design system components, enabling incredibly quick, simple and consistent design.

Through a series of videos, I walk students through how to create symbols for common web and product design components like form inputs and buttons — covering their different states, and how to efficiently name and organise it all. I also demonstrate how easy it is to sync those symbols across different Sketch files, and share them with a team of designers.

📚 Take my Skillshare class

Take my class: https://skl.sh/2xWBObZ

Why take my class?

I have experienced the benefit this simple approach to design system components has for design teams and the product design process. During my class, in only an hour, I’ll show you how quick it is to create (from scratch) a good deal of the core components a product design team works with daily. Think how much further you can take this, with surprisingly little effort. You will also learn how to create and share a design system Library, ensuring your team all works consistently and efficiently. You’ll be the hero of your team! 😎

Note: This class only covers the basics. I plan to teach follow-up, advanced classes, delving into nested symbols, documenting design systems, and more.

📚 Sign up to my class and get 2 months free membership

Please share my Skillshare class with anyone you think it would benefit. 🙂

Update: 2019. I wrote a book about system design and digital brand guidelines! https://designsystemfoundations.com

